European Narratology Network newsletter categories.

New steering committee 2017-2019

Dr. Ondrej Sladek (chair of the Steering committee)
Prof. em. Peter Hühn 

Third LACE Winter School (22.-26.01.2018, University of Tartu, Estonia; deadline: October 15 2017)

The Third LACE Winter School

Photos from the Prague conference ...

#ENN5, the fifth conference of the European Narratology Network, is officially over. It was a blast! ENN is very grateful to the local organization committee and to the numerous participants for making this a tremendous success.

We are looking for pictures from the conference. If you wish to share them, please upload them to this shared folder

ENN5: final programme online

ENN5 - fifth ENN conference is next week. We are glad to be able to announce that the final programme is now online: http://www.enn5.cz/AngiologyKlon-ENN5/media/system/Program_web_final.pdf 

Abstracts and conference guide are attached below.

We look forward to the conference. See you all in Prague next week!

ENN3 proceedings now available: Emerging Vectors of Narratology (Narratologia 57)

We are pleased to announce the publication of:
Emerging Vectors of Narratology, edited by Per Krogh Hansen, John Pier, Philippe Roussin and Wolf Schmid. Narratologia 57. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Please find the flyer in the attachment.
Access to the Table of Contents:

International Conference on English Narrative (April 19 – 22, 2018; McGill University, Montreal, Quebec; deadline: October 15)

The International Conference on Narrative will be held at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from April 19 – 22, 2018. Coordinator Lindsay Holmgren welcomes proposals for papers and panels on all aspects of narrative in any genre, period, discipline, language, and medium. The deadline for proposals is October 15, 2017.

CFP: Expanding Beyond Borders (Kraków, September 2017; deadline: August 20)

Please be invited for the international conference "Expanding Beyond Borders: Fictional Worlds, Transmedial Universes, Fan Communities" to be held at the Pedagogical University in Kraków (Poland), from 28th-30th September 2017.
Conference confirmed keynote speaker is Jan-Noël Thon, author of the newly published Transmedial Narratology in Contemporary Media Culture (Nebraska Univ. Press 2016).

Newsletter XVII July 2017

CFP: Confronting the Narratives of the Anthropocene (Nov 23-24, 2017; Tampere, Finland; deadline: October 6))

Call for Papers: Confronting the Narratives of the Anthropocene (Nov 23-24, 2017; Tampere, Finland)

PhD fellowship in Cognition & Poetics (Osnabrück University; deadline: Sept 1 2017)

PhD fellowship in Cognition & Poetics 
Application deadline: 1 September 2017
Department: English and American Studies
Level: PhD
Duties: Research, Independent Project Work


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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.