18 June 2012
In Association with the Narrative Research Group (NRG) and Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP), Bournemouth Media School
The Executive Business Centre
Bournemouth University
89 Holdenhurst Road
This sy mposium responds to the recent upsurge in interest in harnessing mobile technologies and mapping tools for the purposes of storytelling. Whether this involves extending our experience of existing storyworlds or creating innovative spaces for users to explore, such narratives can be potentially empowering, both in the sense of reconnecting with public places and community histories, and in terms of opening up familiar stories to new audiences and new interpretations.
For many people keen to explore the possible applications of locative media, a lack of technological know-how may be a barrier to participation. The symposium will therefore include exhibitions based on existing projects, and a workshop in which attendees can gain direct experience of using relevant software. We will explore the huge potential for utilising these kinds of resources in the classroom, and for developing web based artefacts drawing on the knowledge and experiences of communities of storytellers and readers of all ages.
The event is free to attend, but places are limited so please register your interest by emailing Bronwen Thomas (bthomas@bournemouth.ac.uk<mailto:bthomas@bournemouth.ac.uk> ) Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
10.45 Welcome and Introductions.
11-12 Professor Martin Rieser, De Montfort University ‘The Mobile Audience and the Poetics of Space.’
12-1 Buffet Lunch
1-2 Tim Wright, Digital Writer/Consultant 'Kidmapper, BlakeWalk and TheHaunter: three instances
of geolocated literature and social reading in the wild.’
2-3 Dr Robert Clark, University of East Anglia What Mapping Writing Can Tell Us About the Novels of Defoe
and Austen.’
3-3.15 Tea, Coffee break
3.15-4.15 Jerome Burg, Founder of Google Lit Trips ‘Google Lit Trips: Where Place-Based Literature Study Meets
Google Earth’.
4.15-5.15 Google Lit Trips Workshop (laptops preloaded with Google Earth required).
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