Narrative Matters 2014, the 7th Narrative Matters conference, will be held from 23rd June to 27th June 2014 at the University of Paris Diderot and the American University of Paris. The conference will address the theme of Narrative Knowing/Récit et Savoir.
This conference will bring together scholars of all disciplines — psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, anthropology, history, philosophy, linguistics, literary studies, feminist and gender studies, education, medicine/healthcare, social work, biology, law, theology, computer science, visual studies, etc. — to reflect on the issue of the, sometimes, contested epistemic powers of narrative.
Calendar/ Calendrier
September, 1st 2013 : opening of the website for papers and panels submissions /
1er septembre 2013 : ouverture du site pour la soumission des propositions de panels et de communications
November, 15th 2013 : deadline for the submission of proposals./
15 novembre 2013 : date limite de soumission des propositions de panels et de communications
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