The Summer Course in Narrative Studies (SINS) is an intensive PhD-level course that brings together postdoctoral students, faculty members and leading scholars in a multi-disciplinary, international discussion of existing and emerging concepts and approaches in the broad field of narrative study. The course is hosted by Aarhus University, and as in 2013 and 2014 it will take place at the Sandbjerg Estate in Denmark from 9 to 14 August. This year the course will be given in cooperation with DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 1767 Faktuales und fiktionales Erzählen. Differenzen, Interferenzen und Kongruenzen in narratologischer Perspektive, Freiburg University. The theme of the course is “Factual and Fictional Narration”. The course fee covers all accommodation expenses for the participants.
Through a combination of keynote lectures, participant papers, workshops and master classes, the summer institute will cover the state of the art of current approaches and provide the participants with outstanding possibilities for getting feedback on their own work. Keynote lecturers and workshop leaders this year include Monika Fludernik (DE), James Phelan (US), Mark Freeman (US) and Karin Kukkonen (FI).
The institute welcomes scholars working with any and all types of narrative form or function, be it verbal or non-verbal, fictive or non-fictive, spontaneous or artificial, strategic or symptomal. It brings together researchers from fields such as postclassical narratology, narrative inquiry, rhetorical narrative theory, cognitive narrative theory and transmedial approaches.
The deadline for application is May 25, 2015.
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