Call for Special Issue Proposals
The journal Frontiers of Narrative Studies (De Gruyter) is seeking proposals for special issues on subjects including but not limited to
- Transnational narrative
- Postcolonial narrative
- Fictional and factual narrative
- Cosmopolitanism and narrative theory
- Classical narratology revisited
A peer-reviewed journal of international scope, Frontiers of Narrative Studies under the auspice of De Gruyter features articles reporting results of research in all branches of narrative studies, in-depth reviews of selected current literature in the field, and occasional guest editorials and reports. Its broad range of scholarship includes narratives across a variety of media, including literary writing, film and television, journalism, and graphic narratives. It welcomes theoretically sophisticated essays that examine narratives of all kinds from a host of critical, interdisciplinary, or cross-cultural perspectives. Particular emphasis is placed upon state-of-the-art research in the field of interdisciplinary narrative inquiries. The journal publishes original articles, interviews as well as book reviews. Every year, there will be a special issue devoted to topics of particular interest. We accept special issue proposals year-round. The specific volume and issue will be determined later, depending on the editors’ schedule. Prospective guest-editors should submit current CVs and researched proposals of approximately 500 words describing the argument and rationale behind the special issue. If the guest-editor(s) decide to solicit contributions prior to the submission of the proposal, abstracts of articles and biographies of authors should be included with the proposal. Proposals and supporting materials should be sent to the Editor at as Word or PDF attachments. The subject line of the email should read “Special Issue Proposal.” If a proposal is accepted, the guest-editor(s) will be responsible for soliciting contributions, appointing outside reviewers, and establishing submission deadlines. Please note that our typical issue is 200 print pages. We strongly recommend that a special issue include 2 book reviews related to the topic, in addition to articles. The journal follows the style of Mouton de Gruyter journal, which is available upon request. We look forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards
Shang Biwu Editor, Frontiers of Narrative Studies
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