Event in Literature, Arts, and Life
GSCSA (Graduate School for Cultural Studies and Arts), intensive seminar
University of Tartu, Estonia
16-17 February 2017
An event is a singularity that interrupts the habitual routines, breaks existing rules and creates the possibility for the reorganization of the symbolic space. Events evoke trauma, but also open up a potentiality for change. Recent past is rife with intense and transformative events that release a variety of affective responses and reveal hitherto suppressed social tensions. The present seminar seeks to develop an interdisciplinary discussion around the linguistic, narrative, and semiotic mediation and construction of the event in literature, arts, and public discourse. The invited speakers focus on death, natural disasters, 9/11 literature and cognitive approaches to the event.
We invite PhD students to reflect on and discuss the concept of the event on the basis of their own research and the lecture materials.
Thursday 16
9.30 Registration
9.45 Opening words
Morning session: moderator prof. Daniele Monticelli (Tallinn University)
10.00 Prof. Stéphane Lojkine (Aix-Marseille), “History after history: from Specters of Marx to The Gift of Death”
11.00 Discussion
11.30 Coffee break
11.45 Prof. Françoise Lavocat (Paris 3), “Event and Natural Catastrophes: construction and deconstruction”
12.45 Discussion
13.15 Lunch (for registered participants)
Afternoon session: moderator prof. Marina Grishakova (University of Tartu)
15.00 Dr. Karin Kukkonen (Oslo), “Reading Literary Narrative: Event and Experience”
16.30 Coffee break
16.45 Prof. Luc Herman (Antwerpen), “Skirting the Event: Evocations of 9/11 in the Work of Thomas Pynchon”
18.15 Discussion summary: prof. Marina Grishakova and prof. Daniele Monticelli
20.00 Dinner (for registered participants)
Friday 17
10.00-13.00 Student workshops
13.00 Lunch (for registered participants)
14.00 Student presentations
Moderatior: Dr. Raili Marling (Univeristy of Tartu)
16.00 Coffee break
16.30 Discussion summary
18.00 Apéritif
In order to receive credit points, you have to register into one of the thematic workshops. Those who only listen to the lectures can get a certificate of attendance.
Those interested in getting credit points (3 ECTS) have to attend the lectures on the first day and participate in one of the four thematic workshops, read the related materials, participate in group work and the following discussion. The workshops will take place on 17 February 10.00-13.00. In the process of group work you are asked to answer a question posed by one of the speakers on the first day, using the lectures of the first day and the readings suggested by the speakers (approximately 20 pages per group). The results of the group work will be presented on the same day at 14.00 to the speakers who will provide their comments and final discussion.
If you can, indicate the thematic workshop you would prefer to attend (you may indicate several). There will be a workshop for each lecture topic.
The listed texts (see GSCSA homepage) are recommended preparatory reading for the seminar. Specific instructions about the readings and access to them will be given to students after registration.
Registration will take place online until February 3rd 2017
Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyRcY0otBK9ieycq4kwHTPg25XwB_0bxQX76yZrdlZgm6J9g/viewform?c=0&w=1
Contact person: Liis Tamm (liis.tamm@ut.ee)
GSCSA homepage: http://doktorikool.humanitaarteadused.ut.ee/events?lang=en
Dr Tanel Lepsoo, Department of Romance Studies, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Prof. Marina Grishakova, Department of Literature and Theatre Research, Institute of Cultural Research and Arts
Dr. Raili Marling, Department of English Studies, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
This intensive seminar is organised by the Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts, financed by the University of Tartu's ASTRA project PER ASPERA, and the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies (European Regional Development Fund) and is related to research project PUT1481 (Estonian Research Council, ETAG) as well as the baseline financing project PHVLC16936 (Estonian Ministry of Education and Research) of the University of Tartu.
Prof. Dr. Marina Grishakova
Academia Europaea, Member http://www.ae-info.org/ae/
Institute of Cultural Research and Arts
University of Tartu
Ülikooli 18
50090 Tartu, Estonia
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