- Introduction
- ENN-related news
- CFP ENN 5: Registration and abstract submission system now live
- CFP: Preconference Doctoral Seminar "Cognitive Narratology Today" (Prague, September 11–12, 2017)
- How to update your ENN online profile
- Upcoming events and CFPs
- PALA conference "Interdisciplinary Stylistics", July 19-22, 2017
- CFP: Summer Course in Narrative Studies (SINS) 2017 (deadline: April 20. 2017)
- CONF: International Conference on the Theory of Lyric (Boston University, June 7–11, 2017)
CONF: PALA conference "Interdisciplinary Stylistics", July 19-22, 2017
CFP: Narrative and Hypertext Workshop (July 4 - 7, 2017)
CONF: Greimas aujourd'hui: l'avenir de la structure (Paris, 30.5-2.6.2017)
CFC Points of View in: Philological Studies (deadline: April 15)
JOB: 2 PhD positions within the ERC Starting Grant Project “Narrating the Mesh.” (Ghent University; deadline: May 2)
CONF: Fictionality in Literature: Core Concepts Revisited (Aarhus, May 3-4)
PhD position in Comparative Literature (University of Oslo; deadline: 21 April 2017)
“Fictionality and Factuality 2017: Counter-narratives in Organizations”(4-14/7; Aarhus University; deadline: March 15!)
- New Publications

You will receive a confirmation by e-mail after submitting your registration or abstract/panel proposal.
Your registration can be viewed or modified anytime after logging in.

Requirements on the abstracts/panel proposals
- Abstracts of oral presentations and posters (200 to 400-word) should contain title, author’s name, affiliation and e-mail
- Panel proposals should contain abstracts of all the panel participants, title and summary of the panel, name of panel chair
- Accepted formats: doc, docx, rtf
Registration fees
Early bird (until 30/6) | Standard (1/7–5/9) | Late & on-site | |
Conference participant | 4185 CZK (155€) | 4455 CZK (165€) | 6210 CZK (230€) |
PhD student (incl. preconference seminar) | 2160 CZK (80€) | 2295 CZK (85€) | 3240 CZK (120€) |
Registration fees include access to all scientific sessions, conference materials, welcome drink on Sept. 13, coffee breaks, lunches and VAT. Payment optionsOn-line by credit card (via on-line registration or at this link)Accepted credit cards: MasterCard, Maestro, VISA, VISA ElectronWe recommend on-line credit card payment as the most convenient method of payment. If you choose “Credit card payment” when completing the registration form, you will be automatically directed to a secure credit card payment form after completing your registration.
Direct Bank TransferBank: Fio banka, a.s.
Address: V Celnici 10, Praha 1, Czech Republic
Account name: AMCA, spol. s r.o.
IBAN: CZ37 2010 0000 0020 0105 5491
Message for recipient: Please enter your name/registration number
N.B. Please note that all direct bank transfer charges must be covered by the participant.
Cancellation policy
Cancellation date | By July 31, 2017 | August 1 - August 31, 2017 | From September 1, 2017 | |
Registration | full refund | 20% | N.A. | |
Accommodation | full refund | 1 night deposit | N.A. |
Preconference Doctoral Seminar
Cognitive Narratology Today
Prague, September 11–12, 2017
In conjunction with the 5th International Conference of the European Narratology Network, a preconference doctoral seminar on cognitive narratology will be held. The doctoral seminar will be primarily devoted to the topics connected with general narratological and poetological concepts such as Fictional Characters and Their Minds, Time and Temporality, and Reader, Reading and Interpretation as viewed from the cognitive perspective. Both, proposals with theoretical perspectives and particular analyses are welcomed.
Applicants for the seminar must be doctoral students during the 2017–2018 academic year. At the end of the course, the participants will receive a diploma.
Prospective participants are asked to send a 500-word description of their doctoral research together with their résumés and institutional affiliation via the registration form at www.enn5.cz. The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2017.
The seminar will consist of an introductory lecture, delivered by the leader of the seminar and keynote speaker, prof. Monika Fludernik (University of Freiburg), and of four working sections to which the participants will be distributed according to their particular topics. The seminars will be led by four supervisors, who are experts on particular topics. Each student will present their topic (10–15 min), after which the supervisor’s comment on the topics, and a discussion, will follow.
Registration fee: conference: 165€; PhD students: 85€
(PhD students participating in both, the seminar and also in the conference, will pay 85€ only)
Full CFP: http://www.enn5.cz
* The profile data related to your narratological interests are to be found under the separate tab "Personal information". Please also indicate whether you wish to receive the newsletter. You may also upload a profile piccture and enter your ORCID ID.
* If you no longer know your password, you may gain access to an existing ENN profile by following the "Request new password"-routine. If the email address linked to your ENN profile is no longer valid, please drop us a line at enn4@ugent.be
* Returning visitors may now access the website via SSO (Single-Sign-On). This means that you can login via credentials used for logging into Facebook, Google, Linkedin, on the condition that the email address attached to this external login corresponds with the one used within the ENN membership database and [2] that you provide the correct credentials for the external login! This feature is still somewhat experimental and may function better with some providers rather than others. Given that you may have forgotten your ENN website login by now, SSO is a viable alternative to following the "New password"-procedure (which remains possible too, of course.) Using SSO is not encouraged for creating new accounts.
* In case of problems, please contact us via email: enn4@ugent.be.
- DOI | Google Scholar | BibTex | RIS
- DOI | Google Scholar | BibTex | RIS
- Google Scholar | BibTex | RIS
- Google Scholar | BibTex | RIS
- Google Scholar | BibTex | RIS
- Google Scholar | BibTex | RIS
Lass, Andrew. “Obituary Lubomír Doležel”. 2017. Web.
- DOI | Google Scholar | BibTex | RIS
Nayebpour, Karam. Mind Presentation In Ian Mcewan's Fiction: Consciousness And The Presentation Of Character In Amsterdam, Atonement, And On Chesil Beach. Stuttgart: ibidem Press, 2017. Print.
- Google Scholar |
- BibTex |