§ 4. The Steering Committee
4.1 Management of the ENN will be entrusted to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee consists of three (3) elected members. Members of the Steering Committee shall be Members of the ENN.
4.2 Election to the Steering Committee takes place by a vote of the General Meeting at the time of the bi-annual conference. Vacancies on the Steering Committee shall be filled by election and the result declared at the respective General Meeting. All Members of the ENN are eligible for election to the Steering Committee. Nominations, by ENN Members who are not members of the Steering Committee, must be followed by a statement from the nominee confirming his or her willingness to serve. Nominations must reach the Secretary on or before the published deadline for nominations, which shall be no less than eight (8) weeks prior to the General Meeting.
4.3 Elected Members of the Steering Committee normally serve for two (2) years, with one-third of their number retiring at the time of each election. Retiring Members are eligible for immediate re-election for one further term in office of two (2) years.
4.4 The quorum for meetings of the Steering Committee consists of the three (3) elected members of the Steering Committee.
§ 5. Officers of the Steering Committee
5.1 The Members of the Steering Committee shall appoint a Chairperson and a Secretary from among their ranks immediately after the election.
5.2 The Chairperson’s home institution serves as the official headquarters for the ENN during the given period. The Chairperson is responsible for maintenance of the ENN homepage and mailing list.
5.3 The Members of the Steering Committee shall appoint from among their ranks, no later than six (6) months after election, the organiser and host of the next bi-annual ENN conference.
5.4 Said Officers shall hold office for two (2) years. Re-election for the chair position is not possible. The ENN headquarters and chairperson shall change location every two (2) years at most, and no later than at the time of the General Meeting held during the bi-annual conference.