New Developments in Narratology: Cognitive, Communicative and Philosophical Approaches

May 28-30, 2010, Tartu University, Estonia

The objective of this conference was to promote a dialogue among scholars of narrative and provide an overview of the current state of narratology, a variety of narratological methods and analytic approaches,  overlappings with other fields and borrowings from various disciplines (cognitive science, rhetorics, sociolinguistics, semiotics, media studies, psychology, philosophy). 

The conference invited to reflect upon the (enriching or impoverishing) impact of these overlappings on the state of the art, revision of old concepts and transfer of concepts from one domain to the other and the status of fiction within the new paradigms.  The conference set out to develop a critical understanding of these processes and to test the applicability of new methods and concepts. Both theoretical discussions and practical, narrowly focused case studies that addressed these issues were welcomed.

Invited speakers:
Prof. Daniel D. Hutto (University of Hertfordshire)
Prof. Gregory Currie (University of Nottingham)
Prof. Marie-Laure Ryan (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Conference steering committee:
Marina Grishakova (Tartu), Pekka Tammi (Tampere), Mari Hatavara (Tampere), Matti Hyvärinen(Tampere), Per Krogh Hansen (Kolding), Henrik Skov Nielsen (Aarhus), Jakob Lothe (Oslo), Jeremy Hawthorn (Trondheim), Göran Rossholm (Stockholm), Lars-Åke Skalin (Örebro), Lars-Christer Hydén (Linköping)

Conference workgroup (Tartu):
Eva Rein, Katrin Kangur, Anneli Kurm, Erika Renel

Further information (schedule, pictures): 

The conference was sponsored by the NordForsk and Estonian Science Foundation.

About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.