Call for Papers
NOTE: It is sufficient to have applied for membership by February 5. Confirmations of new memberships will be sent out after February 5.
ENN5 Proceedings
Narrative and Narratology: Metamorphosing the Structures
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the publication of papers based on presentations held at the 5th ENN Conference through two different channels. An edited and peer-reviewed selection of revised articles is to appear as a volume in the Narratologia series published by de Gruyter. The volume will be edited by Ondřej Sládek (Brno) and Bohumil Fořt (Brno).
Another edited selection of studies will be published in the Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (ACJN), also peer-reviewed.
We welcome abstracts based on contributions to the 5th ENN Conference. No particular thematic restrictions apply. Please submit an abstract of 300 words, outlining the scope and ambition of your proposed article by 5 February, 2018. Abstracts can be submitted in English only. Contributors need to be/become members of ENN by that date via
Acceptances for the book in the Narratologia series published by de Gruyter and for the Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology will be sent out by 28 February, 2018.
Full-length articles (up to 8000 words including footnotes and references) are due by 30 June 2018. The articles will not be published as “conference proceedings”: rather than the texts of the conference lectures, they need to be fully-developed articles based on the presentations given at the conference.
Please note that it is mandatory for authors whose native language is not English to have their texts proofread by a native speaker prior to initial submission. The editorial board reserves the right to reject papers solely on the basis of poor language quality.
Please send your submissions and articles to Ondřej Sládek (head of ENN Steering Committee) via this email:
We look forward to receiving your submissions and articles. Do not hesitate to write us if you require any further information.
With best regards,
on behalf of ENN's Steering Committee
Ondřej Sládek
Peter Hühn
Valerij Tjupa
European Narratology Network
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