ENN Newsletter – Issue XIX – May 2021
O: Editorial
I: The 6th conference of the European Narratology Network in Riga
I.1: Preconference Doctoral Seminal (Call for papers)
I.2: The 6th ENN Conference (Call for papers)
I.3: Further information
I.4: Important dates
I.5: The subsequent ENN conferences
O: Editorial
May 10, 2021
Dear friends,
After a longer pause caused by the spreading of the new coronavirus and the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19, which is still not overcome, we are sending you a new Newsletter issue that keeps you informed about the latest activities of the European Narratology Network.
This issue of the Newsletter is entirely devoted to the 6th conference of the European Narratology Network, which will be online and will be held on September 15–16, 2021, in Riga (together with Preconference Doctoral Seminar, September 14, 2021). The conference is organized by the RISEBA University of Business, Arts, and Technology, Riga, Latvia, in cooperation with the ENN.
As you probably know, the conference was supposed to take place last year. However, the global covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally affected our lives and planned events. Not just universities, but entire cities, regions, and states have been in lockdown, and most of them are still closed.
Although this very unpleasant situation also influenced many activities of the ENN, we believe that we will overcome it. The ENN6 conference in Riga, which will be online this September, is one of the best solutions for continuing our work and narrative study.
In June, we will publish another issue of the Newsletter, in which we will inform you about new conferences, published books, and proceedings from previous ENN conferences.
The Steering Committee has been extended with 4 co-opted ENN members. The current composition of the ENN Steering Committee is as follows:
The ENN Steering Committee:
- Ondřej Sládek (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague), sladek@ucl.cas.cz
- Valerij Tjupa (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow), v.tiupa@gmail.com
- Peter Hühn (Hamburg University), huehn@uni-hamburg.de
Co-opted Members of the ENN Steering Committee:
- Marina Grishakova (University of Tartu), marina.grisakova@ut.ee
- Henrik Skov Nielsen, (University of Aarhus), norhn@cc.au.dk
- Roy Sommer (University of Wuppertal), rsommer@uni-wuppertal.de
- Larissa Muravieva (St. Petersburg University), larissa.muravieva@gmail.com
Best wishes and we look forward to meeting again soon!
Your Steering Committee
I: The 6th conference of the European Narratology Network in Riga
‘Gaslight’ Narratives in Virtual Landscapes: Narratological Implications of Technologically Mediated and Immersive Media
ENN6 is organized by the RISEBA University of Business, Arts, and Technology, Riga Latvia, in cooperation with the European Narratology Network (ENN, www.narratology.net)
ENN6, European Narratology Network International Conference
September 15–16, 2021 Riga, Latvia
Preconference Doctoral Seminar, September 14, 2021, Riga, Latvia
Organiser e-mail: aigars.ceplitis@riseba.lv
I.1: Preconference Doctoral Seminal (Call for papers)
Riga, September 14, 2021, online
In conjunction with the 6th International Conference of the European Narratology Network, a preconference doctoral seminar on virtual vectors of narratology will be held.
Applicants for the seminar must be doctoral students during the 2021-2022 academic year. At the end of the course, the participants will receive a diploma.
Prospective participants are asked to send a 500-word description of their doctoral research together with their resumes and institutional affiliation via the registration form at www.riseba.lv.
The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2021.
The seminar will consist of an introductory lecture, delivered by the leader of the seminar, and of four working sections to which the participants will be distributed according to their particular topics.
The doctoral seminar will be conducted by supervisors, who are experts on particular topics. Each student will present their topic (10-15 min), after which the supervisor’s comment on the topics, and a discussion, will follow.
I.2: The 6th ENN Conference (Call for papers)
‘Gaslight’ Narratives in Virtual Landscapes: Narratological Implications of Technologically Mediated and Immersive Media
Riga, September 15-16, 2021, online
The ENN6 conference addresses the fusion of new technologies with unreliable, paradoxical, or disturbing narratives, which draw readers and viewers into a story, geospatially and cognitively, by means of blurring the boundaries between real and virtual spaces or alternative ones. At the vortex of the discourse are ‘Gaslight’ structures that undermine or destroy impartiality in narrative perception, since the very ‘modus operandi’ of progressive virtual technologies, under the guise of various ‘immersive’ scenarios, significantly alters all storytelling devices. It is not only within Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR), Extended Reality (XR) or Mixed Reality (MR) but also within any narrative format blending traditional and new mediums that Gaslight Narratives occur as a set of narrative strategies that seek to destabilize the critical faculties of its audience or readers through misdirection, contradiction, and cognitive manipulation both in content and form.
ENN6 will discuss the narrative and technological devices and strategies that undermine logic and reason with the effects of surprise, confusion, self-doubt or disappointment emerging subconsciously out of such transmedial and perturbatory narratives. ENN6 will aim at a set of suggestions for future exploration in the emerging vectors of narratology warning against the unchecked dominance of ‘gaslight’ narratives in all forms of media shaping the global political and social climate so as to corrupt the world as we know it, with or without the aid of a virtual apparatus.
The ultimate aim of the conference is to extend the boundaries of narratological discourse, both in its classical and post-classical conceptions, within the framework of the technological diversification of Virtual Reality. The topics listed below are meant as a guideline for possible contributions. Contributions are to be strictly limited to 15 minutes.
Possible topics:
- Theory and methodology of transmedial narratology in the frame of Cinematic VR
- Archaeology of immersive narrative systems
- Cognitive narratology in neurocinematics
- Expanding Vectors of Narratology
- Gaslighting in Virtual Reality
- In addition, the conference is open for papers on all topics connected with the study of narrative either in texts or in the media as well as with questions of narratological methodology.
Conference Proceedings: the best papers will be published in the Special Edition of double-blind peer-reviewed academic scientific journal ADAMarts, dedicated to architecture, design and audiovisual media arts from the Baltic Sea region, published once a year by RISEBA University's creative faculties – Communications and Media, Architecture and Design.
I.3: Further information
Proposal submission procedure
Abstracts should contain title, author’s name and affiliation
Panels should contain abstracts of all panel participants, title and summary of the panel, name of panel chair
Poster proposals should contain title, author’s name and short abstract
Send submissions via the registration form at www.riseba.lv
The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2021.
Registration fee: conference: 85€; PhD students: 65€
(PhD students participating in both, the seminar and also in the conference, will pay 65€ only)
Registration fee for the members of European Narratology Network may use 50 % (discount code). The discount code is to be found in the newsletter sent out to members on May 13.
I.4: Important dates
Panel proposal submission deadline: June 15, 2021
Abstract submission deadline June 15, 2021
Acceptances will be sent out on June 31, 2021
I.5: The subsequent ENN conferences
ENN6 is organized by the RISEBA University of Business, Arts, and Technology, Riga Latvia, in cooperation with the European Narratology Network (ENN, www. narratology. net)
The subsequent ENN conference, ENN7, will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 2023, organized by Prof. Larissa Muravieva, Smolny State University of Liberal Arts and Sciences in St Petersburg.
The subsequent conference ENN8 will be in 2025, organized by Prof. Stefania Sini in Italy.
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