Dear !subscriber_name,
this is a reminder that the deadline for submissions to the 2023 ENN Conference is approaching: 24 February 2023.
The CfP is available on the conference website:
This year’s conference is co-located with IGEL 2023 (28-30 September), the conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature, and the common theme is Rhythm, Speed, Path: Spatiotemporal Experiences in Narrative, Poetry, and Drama. Submissions related to this topic will be given priority but contributions on other topics are also welcome.
All the best,
Stefania Sini and Federico Pianzola (conference convenors)
PS: This message is sent via the ENN website. The original ENN "mailman" mailing list is currently down and may not return. While we are looking for a solution, ENN members may post news on the website, batches of messages will be sent out at regular intervals.
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