Fifth International Conference
European Narratology Network
Narrative and Narratology: Metamorphosing the Structures
Prague, September 13−15, 2017
Conference Website
Narrative and Narratology: Metamorphosing the Structures
Keynote speakers
- Marina Grishakova (Tartu)
- Marie-Laure Ryan (Boulder)
- Dan Shen (Beijing)
- Wolf Schmid (Hamburg)
The notion “structure” has a log and rich history in the humanities and social sciences. And, especially since the French structuralist revolution, this notion has been surrounded by the whole systematic methodology and strongly connected with the inquiry of narratives. Nevertheless, the scholarly view of structures is equally historically developing as the view of narratives. Therefore, the approaches of “classical narratology”, based on structuralist analyses of narratives, have been replaced by approaches of “post-classical narratologies”, which are primarily focused on general cultural interpretation, interdisciplinarity, and historic and diachronic studies of narratives and narrativity. However, recently we have been witnessing critical voices declaring that post-classical narratologies did not throw much new light to the study of narratives and are calling for driving the scholarly attention to the potential of classical narratology. Nevertheless, if so, the sources of classical narratology have to undertake a thorough revision and discussion in order to show their potential for further investigation of narratives and narrativity.
The aim of the conference is to offer a space for this revision, for the discussion of the metamorphoses of the study of narrative, of its further potentials and boundaries, but also of older and current conceptions of the narratological studies.
Possible topics
1. Theory and methodology of study of narrative from pre-narratology to post-narratology
Over time narratology has developed a large number of methodological and analytical strategies, which are widely used for solving specific problems of the study of narratives. Particular methods, approaches and attitudes deserve our attention, their predecessors and successors, as well as their detailed analyses and mutual comparisons.
2. Historical poetics from a narratological perspective
Historical poetics is currently considered a fully emancipated and developed scholarly discipline. Nevertheless, modern narratology can, as we believe, by its detailed analyses of narratives and narrating, substantially contribute to furthering our knowledge of arts in their diachronic perspectives.
3. Cognitive narratology today: possibilities and frontiers
Since the “cognitive turn”, narratology is no longer the way it used to be: it has implemented new ideas, approaches and methods based on this very influential turn. Can we, presently, map all the consequences of this change, trace them and analyze them in the wide context of today’s narratology?
4. Current problems of transmedial narratology
Mediality and transmediality have been part and parcel of narratological studies for decades. Nevertheless, the rapid development of media and their enhanced potential of delivering narrative information seem to be a challenge for an extensive group of contemporary scholars. Please do share your ideas and views with us!
5. Structures and narratives
Undoubtedly, structuralist thought essentially contributed to the foundation of narratology as a scholarly discipline and also to its further development. In addition, narratives can be viewed, first of all, as complex structures with specific designs. They help us better explore the structuralist heritage in modern narratology as well as the structural part of narratives and their studies.
Proposal submission procedure (now closed)
- abstracts should contain title, author’s name and affiliation
- panels should contain abstracts of all the panel participants, title and summary of the panel, name of panel chair
- poster proposals should contain title, author’s name(s) and short abstract
- Send submissions via the registration form at
- The deadline for submissions was April 30, 2017.
Preconference Doctoral Seminar
Cognitive Narratology Today
Prague, September 11–12, 2017
In conjunction with the 5th International Conference of the European Narratology Network, a preconference doctoral seminar on cognitive narratology will be opened. The doctoral seminar will be primarily devoted to the topics connected with general narratological and poetological concepts such as Fictional Characters and Their Minds, Time and Temporality, and Reader, Reading and Interpretation viewed from the cognitive perspective. Both, theoretical proposals as well as particular analyses are highly appreciated.
Applicants for the seminar must be doctoral students during the 2017–2018 academic year and doing research on any topic connected with cognitive approaches to narrative. At the end of the course, the participants will receive a diploma.
Prospective participants are asked to send a 500-word description of their doctoral research together with their résumés and name of institution via the registration form at The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2017.
The seminar will consist of an introductory lecture, delivered by the leader of the seminar and keynote speaker, prof. Monika Fludernik (University of Freiburg), and of four working sections to which the participants will be distributed according to their particular topics. The seminars will be led by four supervisors, who are experts on particular topics. Each student will present their topic (10–15 min), after which the supervisor’s comment on the topics, and a discussion, will follow.
Further information and important dates
- Panel proposal submission deadline: 31 March 2017
- Abstract submission deadline: April 30, 2017
- Acceptances will be sent out on: May 15, 2017
- Pre-conference begins: 11 September 2017
- Pre-conference ends: 12 September 2017
- Conference begins: 13 September 2017
- Conference ends: 15 September 2017
Registration fee: conference: 165€; PhD students: 85€
The 5th Conference of the European Narratology Network is organized by the
Institute of Czech Literature, The Czech Academy of Sciences (ICL CAS,
in cooperation with
The European Narratology Network (ENN,
The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS,
Main conference convenor: Dr. Ondřej Sládek (ICL CAS)
Head of local organizing committee: Dr. Stanislava Fedrová (ICL CAS)
Inquiries concerning the conference can be sent to
For more information, visit the conference website and Narratology: Metamorphosing the Structures
Secretariat of the Conference
AMCA, spol. s r.o.
Academic and Medical Conference Agency
Vyšehradská 320/49, 128 00 Praha 2
tel.: +420 221 979 351 | fax: +420 221 979 352 | mobil: +420 731 496 062
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