Realistische Narratologie, Otto Ludwigs "Romanstudien" im Kontext einer Geschichte der Erzähltheorie

TitleRealistische Narratologie, Otto Ludwigs "Romanstudien" im Kontext einer Geschichte der Erzähltheorie
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsGrüne, M
PublisherDe Gruyter
CityBerlin, Boston
ISBN Number978-3-11-053283-8
Keywords19th century, Historical narratology, realism, theory of the novel

Otto Ludwig’s Romanstudien is among the most important works of 20th century German narratology history. Matthias Grüne explores the systematic and historical impact of Ludwig’s reflections on narrative forms. The study clearly discloses the epistemological roots of the text and the reasons it should be valued as a key document of literary realism.


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