Jan Alber

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Personal information

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Institutional affiliation

Current affiliation:
Aachen University

Former affiliations:
Department of English, Ohio State University (until 8/31/2008)
English Department, University of Freiburg

Narratological interest

I did my "Habilitation" about the question of how the tools of cognitive narratology can help readers to make sense of unnatural, i.e., physically and logically impossible, scenarios in fictional narratives. Furthermore, I use both cognitive and structuralist narratology in my teaching to make all kinds of texts more readable and comprehensible. My primary focus is on postmodernist narratives but I am also very much interested in diachronic developments (in particular in the historical development of unnaturalness).



Member for
11 years 3 months
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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.