Craig Batty

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Personal information

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Institutional affiliation

Bournemouth University

Narratological interest

I am particularly interested in screenwriting - theory and practice - and how
narrative plays a huge part in the study and practice of screenwriting.
Although I specialise in all areas of screenwriting, my main expertise (and where a lot of my publications lie) is in the notion of character journeys and how they can be mapped across screenplay narratives. I am also interested in the idea of narratives adapted from real life stories for the screen, and how audience expecation ('narrative pleasure') can impact upon the story being adapted.


Member for
11 years 4 months
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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.