Randy Fromm

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New Mexico State University (NMSU) PhD Student

Narratological interest

Because of mynPhD work in the field/discipline of Rhetoric, my work in narratology has taken on a much stronger ‘rhetorical’ approach. That is, I am still interested in author-reader relations but have moved ‘out from’ and beyond my earlier work with what I call Depth of Field in Narrative.  Moving beyond merely identifying the indicators and manifestations of visual, temporal, and symbolic/semiotic depth within narratives and then relating those to the reader's experience of the narrative, I am interested as well in the rhetorical ‘work’ accomplished by these attributes of narratives, both fictional and non-fictional.  My initial work in this area, grounded in an analogy with the photographic print, was presented at the ISSN (was SSNL then) conference in Louisville, KY, in 2005.  It has been further developed and elaborated upon in successive ISSN conferences since then. While I have in the past worked primarily with texts associated with Modernism (Joseph Conrad being the foremost of the authors whose works I have used as examples), I am now taking up ‘texts’ in the form of the everyday narratives we encounter.

United States


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11 years 3 months
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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.