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Marina Lupishko
Real name:
Personal information
- First name
- Marina
- Last name
- Lupishko
- Narratological interest
Marina Lupishko studied musicology in Kharkov, Ukraine, at the University of
Massachusettes at Amherst and the University of Toronto before completing her
Ph.D. dissertation on re-accentuation in Stravinsky's settings of Russian
folk verse at Cardiff University in 2006. Since then she has been pursuing
interdisciplinary research topics that revolve around her interest in
analytical musicology, on the one hand, and Russian modernist poetry and
literature, on the other. Her most recent project is the investigation of
narratological and musicological connections within the philosophy of the
circle of avant-guarde poets "tchinari": in particular, on Daniil Kharms and
Yakov Druskin. Marina lives and teaches music in le Havre, France.
- Member for
- 11 years 3 months
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