Larry Purss

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Institutional affiliation

Vancouver School District

Narratological interest

I am interested in the interplay of sociohistorical theory, literary theory
and what Gadamer refers to as *fusion* of horizons. Fusions *as*
metaphorical as Joel Weinsheimer explores in Gadamer's writing. I'm
fascinated by the interplay of historicity and psyche as *fusions* of
horizons. A RECIPROCAL metaphorical relation where history is *in* psyche
AND psyche is *in* history.
Dialogical theory [Bahktin, Vygotsky, Mead] as well as continental philosophy
[Merleau-Ponty and notions of *expression*
I'm also interested in notions of *situated agency* and the concept of agency
as a dialogical process.

I also have a fascination with the Kyoto School which writes about
continental philosophy from a Buddhist perspective.

Jerome Bruner's ideas of narrative and Davis Olson's notions of the world of
print [as a technology also are touchstones.

In general my fascination is with the place of HISTORY [metaphorically
articulated] and Gadamer's deep engagment with texts and utterances.

I work as a counsellor in the school system and view


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11 years 3 months
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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.