Ashraf Ramzy

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Since my MA in Narratology in 1988 I have applied Narratology in brand and communication strategy within large advertising agencies such as Publicis, TBWA and BBDO. Since 2001 I have established my own narrative consultancy: first Narrativity, since 2016 rebranded as MasterStory®. We consult organizations and their leadership in areas of Identity and Positioning.

Narratological interest

My particular interest in Narratology was the Hollywoodfilm. Why does the Hollywoodfilm resonate with a worldwide audience regardless of national culture, race, gender? The subject of my thesis was: what is the Story that Hollywood tells us and how is that Story told? This led me to the origins of Narratology; the Poetics of Aristotle up the modern "Poetics"; the Hollywood story consultants. It also led to a comparative analysis of the American Story versus the European Story, i.e The Success Story vs the Tragedy. In a nutshell I uncoverd the logic of the Successtory! To this day I am using and applying this knowledge and it captures the imagination of both international business and student audiences.



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11 years 3 months
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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.