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Maike-Sarah Reinerth
Real name:
Personal information
- First name
- Maike-Sarah
- Last name
- Reinerth
- Institutional affiliation
Research and teaching associate, Filmwissenschaft & Mediendramaturgie,
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Narratological interest
Research interests:
Film/audiovisual media; perspective, character consciousness, memory and the
mind and/in filmPhD project:
(Con)figurations of Subjectivity. Cinematic Representations of the Mind
(working title)Selected publications:
Hannah Birr/Maike Sarah Reinerth/Jan-Noël Thon (eds.): Probleme filmischen
Erzählens. Berlin/Münster: LIT, 2009.Maike Sarah Reinerth: "Spulen, Speichern, Überspielen. Zur Darstellung von
Erinnerung im Spielfilm", in: Hannah Birr / Maike Sarah Reinerth / Jan-Noël
Thon: Probleme filmischen Erzählens. Berlin/Münster: LIT, 2009; S.
33–58.Other narratological activities:
2nd international ENN Conference "Working with stories: Narrative as a
meeting place for theory, analysis and practice" 09.–11.03.2011, Syddansk
Universitet, Kolding (participant doctoral course, speaker)Workshop "Probleme filmischen Erzählens": 27.09.2008 Universität Hamburg
(co-organiser, speaker)
- Member for
- 11 years 3 months
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