Place and Time: Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, June 30th-July 2nd 2011
Deadline for Abstracts: March 31th 2011
CfP: Storyworlds across Media. Mediality - Multimodality - Transmediality (update)
Université de Lausanne: Colloquia
November 4-5, 2010:
Narrations visuelles. Visions narratives
Thursday, November 4th: Extranef 110
Friday, November 5th: BCU 511
Seminar CRAL (CNRS/EHESS): "Narratologies contemporaines. New Social Uses of Narrative II"
Time and Place: Academic year 2010-2011; 96, Boulevard Raspail – 75006 Paris / Salle Lombard
“Recent Research on Narrativity in Germany"
Seminar organized by the Centre d’études et de recherches sur l’espace germanophone (CEREG)
Place: University of Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle
Time: Academic year: 2010-2011 and 2011-2012
International Workshop: Philosophy ▪ Sign ▪ Narrative
Place and Time: Soochow University, Taipei, November 13 and 14, 2010
Public conference
Gérard Genette, "Destinées de la poétique"
Time: October 25, 2010, 5-7 p.m.
Annual conference "Beliye chteniya" ("White readings"): Workshop on Narratology
Place and Time: Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities; October 21-23, 2010
Manager of the Workshop on Narratology: Valerij I. Tjupa.
The 1st session, October 21
Narrative Interactions: Stories, Identities and Voices
Intensive graduate seminar cosponsored by the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA) and Nordic Network of Narrativ
CfP: Conference "Teaching Narrative and Teaching through Narrative" & Pre-Conference Doctoral Course
International Conference organized by the Nordic Network of Narrative Studies
Workshop "Which narratologies beyond mimetic narratology?", Paris, 24.9.2010
Place and Time: EHESS, 105 Bd Raspail, Room 2, 75006 Paris; September 24th, 2010, 09h00 to18h00
Organization: Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et le Langage (CRAL – EHESS/CNRS)