Réseau romand de narratologie (RRN): www.narratologie.ch
New website
Appel à communications
New release
Finnern, Sönke: Narratologie und biblische Exegese. Eine integrative Methode der Erzählanalyse und ihr Ertrag am Beispiel von Matthäus 28, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010.
Launch of the "living handbook of narratology"
The Interdisciplinary Center for Narratology (ICN), University of Hamburg, presents the
Call for Papers: Narrative Conference 2011, St. Louis, Missouri, April 7-10, 2011
Place and Time: Sheraton Clayton Plaza Hotel, 7730 Bonhomme Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63105; April 7-10, 2011
Host: Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
2nd Call for Papers: The 2nd Conference of the ENN
Working with stories: Narrative as a Meeting Place for Theory Analysis and Practice
Deadline extended
Presentation of the "living handbook of narratology", 1.7.2010, 07:00 p.m., Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Hamburg
The Interdisciplinary Center for Narratology at Hamburg University (ICN) presents the open access publication
New release: Inderjeet Mani, "The Imagined Moment: Time, Narrative and Computation", U of Nebraska P
Excerpt: http://sites.google.com/site/theimaginedmoment/
Conference "Mind-Narrative-Ethics"
Place and Time: Guest House of the University Hamburg, Rothenbaumchaussee 34, 20148 Hamburg; January 23rd and 24th 2009
New Freeware: CATMA (Computer Aided Textual Markup and Analysis)
CATMA (Computer Aided Textual Markup and Analysis) is a new software with a focus on textual markup and analysis.