Call for papers for the 27th issue of TRANS- "Literary Mechanisms"

Call for papers for the 27th issue of TRANS– the journal of general and comparative literature
“Literary Mechanisms”
Deadline to send your proposals: September 30, 2020
The journal accepts articles written in French, English, Italian, Spanish.

ENN 6 online conference: new dates and CFP

Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis, the ENN6 Conference had to be postponed. We are now able to announce that 

‘Gaslight’ Narratives in Virtual Landscapes: Narratological Implications of Technologically Mediated and Immersive Media 

will take place from September 15-16 2021 (pre-conference doctoral seminar: September 14 2021). 

Neohelicon Call for Papers

Call for papers of a special issue on epidemics. 

Abstract submisssion deadline May 1, 2020.

Call for Papers: Journal of Narrative and Language Studies March Issue

We appreciate each author and researcher’s contribution to the Journal of Narrative and Language Studies; and would like to grant the erudite work of our devoted reviewers, whose commitments, we believe, have promoted the standards in the selection of the excellent work. Please let us remind that manuscript submission is still open for the next issue; NALANS Volume 8 Number 14, March 2020.


The latest issue of Journal of Narrative and Language Studies has been published at

Narratological Readings

Narratological Readings

December 12-13, 2019

St Petersburg State University

Faculty of Arts

Founding conference of the International Society for Fiction and Fictionality Studies (ISFFS) - 28-30 November 2019

Call for papers : The anomaly in question(s), TRANS- the journal of general and comparative literature

When Gregor Samsa and his relatives realize that the protagonist of The Metamorphosis has become a cockroach, their world is shaken not because he is no longer a man, but rather because he cannot go to work anymore. Therefore, Gregor’s metamorphosis is only relevant for fiction from the moment new ways of perceiving things irrupt and highlight the shackles of a society imprisoned in its material concerns.

Séminaire CRAL (CNRS/EHESS) Recherches contemporaines en narratologie: "Récits à l'épreuve du hasard"

Rencontre G. Prince - Guide du roman de langue française (1951-2000)


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ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.