Journée d'étude: "Vingt ans de narratologie au CRAL: rétrospectives, narratologies à venir" - enregistrements

Les enregistrements de la journée d'étude sont disponibles à:

Séminaire de narratologie CRAL - séance du 16 janvier 2024

Recherches contemporaines en narratologie (CRAL/EHESS)

Le séminaire se réunit tous les quinze jours, les 1er, 3e et 5e mardi du mois, de 16h à 18h
École Normale Supérieure

29, rue d’Ulm – 75005 Paris

Co-responsables du séminaire

Franz Stanzel 1923-2023

Sadly, Franz Stanzel of the University of Graz passed away on 17 October at the age of 100.

His work in narrative theory remains a bedrock accomplishment for narratologists even today.

In August the German review Anglistik 34.2.2023 published a special issue entitled

"Franz Karl Stanzel at 100" under the editorship of Monika Fludernik and Martin Löschnigg.

John Pier

CRAL (CNRS), Paris, and

Université de Tours

ENN7 provisional programme and book of abstracts

See you all in Monopoli!

Recherches contemporaines en narratologie - 2023-2024

Reminder: ENN7 deadline: extended until March 10 2023

JOB: "Computational Approaches to Narrative Space in 19th and 20th Century Novels" (15.2.2023)

Computational Approaches to Narrative Space in 19th and 20th Century Novels" (CANSpiN; ab April 2023 an der Universität Rostock).
– 65% TVL-13; auf drei Jahre befristet – Teil des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms Computational Literary Studies

2 PhD positions on narratology in ERC CoG: on Comparative Literature and on Film Studies

2 Pre-doctoral positions for the ERC CoG 2021 project: Ocean Crime Narratives: A Polyhedral Assessment of Contemporary Sea Narratives on Environmental Harm and Crime (1982-present) - OCN, led by PI Dr. Marta Puxan-Oliva at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), located in Mallorca.

CFP: ENN7 Monopoli, Italy (Deadline: 24.2.2023)

The 7th conference of the European Narratology Network will be held in Monopoli, Italy, on 26-28 September 2023.

This year’s conference is co-located with IGEL 2023, the conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature, and the common theme is Rhythm, Speed, Path: Spatiotemporal Experiences in Narrative, Poetry, and Drama.

Submissions related to this topic will be given priority but submissions about other topics are also welcome. The deadline for submission is February 24th, 2023.

Le Passing et ses impostures (revue Trans-)

Adopter le rôle d’un autre membre de la communauté est indissociable de l’expérience de voir la réalité sous un autre angle, mais aussi de s’approprier bien que momentanément une manière de faire qui devient en temps normal interdite ou impossible pour celui qui se transforme.


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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.