Newsletter, Issue III, October/November 2010

Download: ENN Newsletter III/2010


I: The 2nd Conference of the ENN

II: Upcoming events and CfPs

II.1: Annual Conference "Beliye chteniya" ("White readings"): Workshop on Narratology

II.2: International Workshop: Philosophy ▪ Sign ▪ Narrative

II.3: Conference "Narrative Ethics"

II.4: CfP: Narrative Conference 2011

II.5: CfP: Teaching Narrative and Teaching through Narrative & Pre-Conference Doctoral Course

II.6: Open call: Seminar "Les réits transfictionnels"

III: Narrative Research Lab (Aarhus University, Denmark): events, CfPs and publications

IV: Conference Reports

IV.1: Conference Report: New Developments in Narratology: Cognitive, Communicative and Philosophical Approaches

IV.2: Workshop Report: Narratives. Cultural representations and practices

IV.3: Conference Report: Philosophy ▪ Sign ▪ Narrative

IV.4: Conference Report: Keeping it Real: Narratives of Ordinary and Extraordinary People Across Media

IV.5: Conference Report: Which narratologies beyond mimetic narratology?

IV.6: Seminar Report: Narrative Interactions: Stories, Identities and Voices

IV.7: Conference Report: Current Narratological Problems in the Context of Czech and German Humanities

V: living handbook of narratology

VI: ENN Website

VII: New Publications

About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.