Issue IV, 2011

Download: ENN Newsletter IV/2011

I: ENN Membership

II: Upcoming events and CfPs  
II.1: SEL workshop. "Unnatural Narratives and their Theory" 
II.2: Association for Cultural Studies 1st International Summer Institute    
II.3: ICIDS 2011:Call for Papers
II.4: Storyworlds across Media
II.5: Contemporary Uses of Narrative 
II.6: Conference: Intersections of Law and Culture: Human Rights       
II.7: Conference "Space in Literature: Questioning Space in Fiction"        
II.8: Seminar (CNRS/EHESS): "Narratologies contemporaines.  New Social Uses of Narrative II"
II.9: “Transmedial Storytelling and Transfictionality”
II.10: “Possible Worlds Theory and transmedial narratology” 
II.11: "Obama and the Paradigm Shift: The Measure of Change in the US and Germany  

III: Conference reports
III.1: Report on the 2nd ENN Conference, March 10-11, 2011
III.2: Nonhuman Narratives Symposium          
III.3: Seminar on Storytelling and Design explores the Transformation of the Ideas to Objects                   
III.4: Narrative Conference – ISSN                                               

IV: Narrative research and Organizational Life meet in Network for Corporate Storytelling

V: The living handbooks of narratology

VI: ENN Website

VII: New Publications
VII.1: Report on Publications
VII.2: Book discount                                                                                   


About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.