Newsletter, Issue II, March/April 2010

Download: ENN Newsletter II/2010


0: Editorial

I: ENN Associates and Members

II: Call for Papers: ENN Conference

III: Conference Reports

III.1: Workshop Report: "Narratology and the New Social Dimensions of
Narrative" (France, February 2010)

III.2: Conference Report: "Northern Self-Fashionings. Narrating the Self in the
Nordic Region" (Denmark, November 2009)

IV: New Publications

Newsletter, Issue I, October/November 2009

Download: ENN Newsletter I/2009


I: ENN Membership

II: ENN Conference

III: Narratology Research Centres and Projects - Conference reports

III.1: Conference report: The 2nd International Narratology Conference and the 4th National Narratology Conference Held in Chongqing, China

IV: New publications

Research Centers

Journals and Series

Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN)

Ancient Narrative

Cahiers de Narratologie [publisher: Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Récits Cultures Et Sociétés(LIRCES)]

Publications (2009-)



Adam, Jean-Michel. Narrativité et généricité. Louvain-la-Neuve: Editions Academia, 2011.

Caracciolo, Marco, and Karin Kukkonen (eds.). Cognitive Literary Study: Second-Generation Approaches. Special Issue of Style 48.3 (2014).

Lallemand, Allain. Journalisme narratif en pratique. Brussels: de Boeck Duculot, 2012.



Series "Narratologia" (de Gruyter): Contributions to Narrative Theory (English / German)

Editors: Fotis Jannidis, Matias Martinez, John Pier, Wolf Schmid (executive editor)

Kindt, Tom, and Hans-Harald Müller (eds.). What Is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory (Narratologia, Vol. 1). Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 2003.

Swedish symposium on narratives, Umeå, 2009

International Symposium "The Metareferential Turn in Contemporary Arts and Media: Forms, Functions, Attempts at Explanation", Graz, 2009

An International Symposium

organized at the Centre for Intermediality Studies in Graz (CIMIG)
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz/Austria

1–3 October 2009

China's 2nd International Narratology Conference & 4th National Narratology Conference, 2009

China's 2nd International Narratology Conference and the 4th National Narratology Conference was held in Chongqing, China on Oct. 21-24, 2009. The conference was sponsored by the China Narratology Association and hosted by Sichuan International Studies University.

CfP: Narrative and Innovation, Karlsruhe, 15.-17.9.2010

Place and Time: Karlsruhe, Karlshochschule International University , 15-17 September 2010
Conference language: English

Abstract and submission details


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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.